March 4, 2007


DAY 4 of the Ultimate blog party : Alright , I have pulled out my triple thick coke bottle reading glasses - I must continue reading!!! Wow! There certainly is a lot of you bloggers out there. I hope there is not a quiz? Thank you all for your time and posts!

The winner of my second party favor give-away is Steffi over at Never To Many. She has a great site. Go check it out. Now remember Steffi LOL has to be spelled out when writing the old way, and smiley faces are right side up, not sideways :-)

BEHOLD!! We have found another PARTY FAVOR :
Two inspirational card decks from Bruce Wilkinson: The Prayer of Jabez and Secrets of the Vine Cards. Breaking through to abundance. Your time +post = your name in the drawing.

will pull a name from Grandma's giant vintage Pyrex 30 qt. mixing bowl 3:00 pm on Tuesday. Sshhh-we are going to sneak in and boost it from Grandma and put it on eBay!!!!!-nooot really.

I know the suspense is killing you, so here are the answers for the FoFo & family profile questions from day 3.

1. When FoFo's sister was learning to talk "Christopher" came out as "FoFo".
2. Faith - a.k.a "Peaches"
3. Robert - a.k.a "Fuzzy"
4. Two dogs & one cat.
5. He's the baby of coarse!!!!!! "It is all about fun"

Check out Kevin Lehman's book: The birth order.

Day 4
FoFo & Family Profile Questions.

For today we will dig deeper into our little family with thought provoking questions like:
1.What kind of dogs do we have?
2.What are our animals names?
Dog 1:
Dog 2:
Cat 1:
3.What color is our house?
4.Can you be your own grandpa/grandma-
Ummm ?
5.Do we use a PC or Mac?

Think-Think-Think !
FoFo says: Don't eat yellow snow!


Steffie B. said...

Hi, it's Steffie....I'm not sure how to email you. If you go back to my blog, you can email me and then I can get in touch with you regarding my info. Now....if you are talking about the smiley I do like this------ ;) it's my "Asian" smiley.....get it? lol
I'm so thrilled to be your prize fun is that?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Love your party; you're so cool for doing your own giveaways!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. You've got quite the fun site! Have fun at the party!


MiniMe Mom said...

It looks like you have so much fun bloggging! Thanks for stopping by my blog!! Party on!

Anonymous said...

Love your party!! Now I feel like a crap "hostess" since your giving away gifts! Darn you and all your thoughtfulness! :)

Thanks for stopping by!

AJ said...

Hey Party Goer...thanks for dropping by and inviting me over! I love your music selection, it just makes me wanna dance!!!

Andrea said...

Thanks for swinging by my party. I'm loving the monkey theme. We love monkeys around here. :)

Wow, giveaways - wish I would of thought of that...

Have a swingin' week! :)

Linda said...

Thanks so much for coming to my party and inviting me to yours!! You have so much going on. I'm glad to have met you.

Kara said...

What a great blog!

Nadine said...

Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. Your blog is fun - cool to give away prizes.

G.P. said...

GP from the "inn" paying you a visit.
What a blessing you are to party down the way you are.

GP in Montana

Anonymous said...

Wow...what a party you've going on here! Thanks for inviting me over to 'play'. I'm not too sure about those answers, but the being your own grandparent sounds like you've one heck of an intriguing life! Great pics, too. :)

Crystal said...

Great party.....thanks for the invite and for the visit to my blog...
Great prize ideas too.....I wish I would have thought of it.

Esther said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog & touring The Party ;o)

I love yellow too!!

Cloves said...

What a fun blog you have. Looks like you have a great party going on here.

Cheri said...

Thanks for stopping by my party - it ws great to meet you!

Jenna said...

Thanks for saying hi to me! I'm such a newbie, it made my day! You seem like so much fun!

Mama's Moon said...

You sure know how to throw down a good party! Wish I had your energy to keep up with all the reading and giveaways! Totally rockin', Lady, coke-glasses and all! I'm just gonna have a looksie and hang around a bit; don't mind me lettin' loose on the dance moves over here in the corner...

Tammy and Parker said...

Hey! First thank you so much for having Parker's button on your blog! It means so much to us!

I love the music! You have such a great party going on!

Ritzman said...

Thanks for commenting on my Blog! I'm so freakin' excited to be meeting new people! Thanks for partying with me!

Melody said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog! Love the party!

Norma said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm not sure exactly how to get in on the next giveaway - do I need to tell you my current local time? That would be 12:01 AM Central Time.

yours truly B said...

I love the song and your way of writing is so colorful. thank you for coming by my blog

Susannah said...

Having a really good time with the music here. Love it! Thanks for stopping by my partay. Hugs 'n prayers, e-Mom

Demara said...

You have a very interesting site here!!! I found you partying over on Nadine's site "Just Being Me" and I thought your comment sounded interesting and fun so I came over to party, thanks for being a great host with or without your glasses I don't mind either way!!!

Shalom Out~

Anonymous said...

thanks for visiting me... it was fun to meet you

I want to bless your generous spirit too - for giving away these party favours - so sweet, kind and generous of you

May God bless you richly !

Anonymous said...

PS LOVE the music at the party :) that was an unexpected surprise

I don't know what kind of dogs you have - but we have a golden retriever who, in about ten days, will give birth to her very first litter - so until mid May - our house will be FULL of puppies.

Watch where you step! I've been dreaming that they are everywhere - and yes it's probably true!

ELLIE said...

Just stopping by to say THANK YOU for checking out my blog...I will be stopping by your blog.

BecsLifeOnline said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Great party :-) I'll have a giveaway posted on my site tonight when I get home from work so check back later!


Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by. Cute blog! Who doesn't love monkeys?

Michelle said...

How neat to do your own giveaways! I wish I were that organized! LOL Thanks for stopping by through the blog party. It looks like you have quite a fun blog. :)

Anonymous said...

What a funny, silly, yummy, scrumptious blog you have here!! Thanks for sharing, and poping into my world for a wee bit!! blessings

Amanda said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your having your own giveaways? How cool! You have a great site! I like the music too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my party and inviting me to yours! So nice to meet you! :)

Doris said...

Thanks for stopping by my party. I had a blast at yours. Fun music!!

groovyoldlady said...

Thanks for stopping by my whacky party!

I'll take a stab at these:
1.What kind of dogs do we have? 2 schnauzers
2.What are our animals names?
Dog 1: Komquat
Dog 2: Peachy
Cat 1: Squirrel
3.What color is our house? Yellow (the snow is yellow also)
4.Can you be your own grandpa/grandma-Ummm ? Oh sure...why not?
5.Do we use a PC or Mac? Mac (I use a Mac, s I assume anyone else of intelligence does also!)

2Forgetful said...

Great party! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your site is really fun.

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

What fun! Thanks for stopping by my party too. I love all the drawings here!

Melissa H. said...

Hey! Thanks for stopping by my party for the celery snacks. Hope you enjoyed them.

You've got door prizes? How cool is that! I've got one biggy prize--a pair of hand knitted socks!

Party on!

Julie Arduini said...

Fun party, LOVE the music! Thanks for checking out my party, I'm enjoying yours. I loved the Pyrex reference, I used to live where Pyrex was made!

GiBee said...

Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog the other day ... and with all the entries, I'm just now starting to work my way through the Ultimate Party blogs ... Can you believe how many there are???What a cute idea to do your own door prizes! You totally rock!

Diane Viere said...

Hey! You've got quite a celebration goin' on here! What fun!

Have I mentioned...I LOVE your blog title! I'm gonna add it to my blog makes me smile everytime I see it!

Great party!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for dropping by my site. :D Oh, I can't answer those qns. The music is great though.Celebration!

Mom Tu-Tu said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog! I'm from the blog party and checked yours out too!

Rita Loca said...

I am glad I stopped by, hello from Venezuela by the way. I enjoyed your blog.

Anonymous said...

What fun party favors! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!

KC said...

been out party hopping so I thought i would hope on over, looks like you have a great party going on. What fun..
and I tell ya that FoFo is a wise one.. :)

An Ordinary Mom said...

What a rockin party you have going on here! And you have so many drawings, how fun is that :) !!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Your whole site feels like a party! Thanks for stopping by 2nd Cup. Hope you come back some time!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and the music!

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! As promised, I would love to send you some notecards. Please email me at: dkafeeneyATyahooDOTcom

Anonymous said...

I was out party hopping and I'm glad I stopped by... I had so much fun, and I'm sure I'll be back!
Happy Partying!