March 25, 2008

The Ideal Homeschool Classroom

Built by student's: Notice the tape wrapped around pillar .
That took team work and engineering.
The student's: Notice the smiles. We all had the best school day and I was the greatest mom/teacher who ever lived!


Halfmoon Girl said...

Looks like a lot of fun! I always feel good when I just let them be and create!

Anonymous said...

excellent! I love the creativeness and sense of play that gives them- Fun with learning! yee haw! I am adding you to my sidebar- thanks for saying hello! Have a happy day! xxxooo calamity kim

SandyCarlson said...

Brilliant children. Beautifully done. God bless.

Unknown said...

Perfect. Oh, how I wish I were young again so I could join in. Happy WW :)

Anonymous said...

When my siblings and I were still kids, we used to play this very same game. Oh how I miss those days! Happy WW!

jams o donnell said...

They look so pleased with their work! Happy WW

Anonymous said...

Looks so much fun to me! Can I join? :)

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Nice! Looks like that is a great learning experience.

the mother of this lot said...

Bet you covered loads of subjects with that one!

Anonymous said...

That's my kind of classroom! fun!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Awesome classroom! You are doing a great job.

Amelia Antwiler said...

Too fun.
Love the smiles on those faces!!

la bellina mammina said...

LOL! Yay for team work and a vivid imagination!

Tanya Breese said...

What an awesome I really feel guilty for sending mine off to boring public school. You can see it in your kids eyes how happy they are!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

My brother and I used to do this too..We made up so many things because we did not have anything else..just had to work with what we could find. Great imagination. Sandy

Anonymous said...

Excellent lesson in archetecture. Looks pretty sturdy *wink

Sara @ Life With the Two said...

That is great! I want one. Are they contracting out their design?

kari and kijsa said...

What fun! Our children would adore this!! Wonderful job mom!

kari & kijsa

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! I remember a few of those classrooms when my brother and I were homeschooled!

elexisb said...

I would even go back to school if it were like that! You sure would've been the best teacher I ever had. I'm considering homeschooling, and hope if I do, I will do great stuff like that too. Very cool

Melissa in Mel's World said...

I would VOTE for you to win bestest mom/homeschool classroom of the day too!