March 6, 2008


Ultimate Blog Party 2008

The dynamic twin sister team (aka 5 Minutes For Mom's) are at it again. IT'S PARTY TIME. Come and meet new bloggers at "The Ultimate Blog Party."

I am a terrible blog hostess. I have no beverages or food to offer you. Then again who can really taste cyber food.

I am offering a door prize.

I will be giving away a Creative Zen Stone Plus 2GB. If you would like a chance of winning it ....Just post a comment here. Good Luck!

The party ends March 14, 2008. Winner will be picked by random drawing.
Shipping is also free, but I will not ship anywhere other than within the Continental Unites States and Hawaii.


Anonymous said...

Hope, that sounds great count me in. Stop by my site, I have something for you:)

Zaankali said...

Count me in!

Melissa in Mel's World said...

Here we go again Hope!!! Count me in sister!

Happy Comment Reading!


Amelia Antwiler said...

Sure I'm interested in it - but I'm terrible with parties. And I didn't get you anything!!
Told you, I'm terrible with parties.

Anonymous said...

If Hawaii is included, then count me in! Thanks for such a wonderful door prize!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Happy Blog party!

No, I haven't been able to get 5minutesformom to open yet to sign Mr. Linky. I tried for over an our at midnight. haha!

Melissa in Mel's World said...

I am SO sleepy...gave up trying to get on mr linky last night at 12:49am...tried and tried this morning with NO LUCK either...what's up with that?

Anonymous said...

Another sleepy mommy arriving to the party - wow, door prizes are so cool- thank for having us and enjoy the rest of the week!

Carey said...

HI what a great party! I would love be included in your giveaway! Hope your having a great time!

Unknown said...

Add me to the list, please

Jus Shar Designs said...

Loving the blog party!

Check out my blog when you get the chance. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ooo, great prize!

Chris @ Come to the Table said...

It is nice to meet you!

Your blog is beautiful!

I'll be back.

Owner said...

love the title of your blog, and i agree, milk out the nose... not so fun.

SimplyBillie said...

Welcome to the party! Your little dog is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun :-)
count me in!

Anonymous said...

Count me in also! Great blog title and great attitude. Love life and laugh! :)
You are a great host, you have a prize. I am the bad party host, ah....come to my blog and you can.......ah.....see a picture of my family. Real motivating huh. :)

Thanks again for having a giveaway. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello!! It's nice to "meet" you!! I'm so glad this party is going on as there are so many wonderful women to meet.

The Dutchess of Kickball said...

I didn't bring a hostess gift.:( Perhaps my witty banter will be enough. Count me in.

Green & Clean Mom said...

Your pictures are so cute! What a fun blog!

Melissa said...

Love your profile. I laugh at the (many) scatterbrained things I do, too. :) Count me in for the drawing, and thanks!

Anonymous said...

Saw you on the party list and had to drop by!! Happy Blog Party!!

Coach Krista said...

It is great to meet you. Stop by my site at I am a newbie blogger just starting my blogging vision. Count me in on the door prize.


Lisa said...

Winning stuff is fun! I come via the blog party! What a fun blog!

I would also like to tag you in the first ever Saturday Social Meme! Click here to join in and have fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh..this blog party is soo much fun..I love reading everyones blogs...Thanks for the free giveaway!!
Ashley Felts

kari and kijsa said...

You ARE a fabulous hostess!!! Thanks for the party hat! Have a wonderful weekend!

kari & kijsa

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am visiting through the Blogger Party! I just noticed the picture of the little dog with the "whole world in his hands" on your Wordless Wednesday post! Such a cute puppy! Was he already playing with the world, or did you give it to him for the picture?

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I love the photos in your blog title. Very cool. Count me in for the door prize too.

DeeBee said...

Love the blog party! Count me in.

Mercedes said...

Your blog title caught my attention! I love it! I teach Kindergarten and our class is known as Miss Meredith's Monkeys-lol! I gotta check out the cool stuff here! Come on over to my no food and no drink party-lol:

Becky said...

ooo what a lovely prize! I'm party hopping here! Nice to meet you and I do plan to come back after I check out more of your blog!

Taryn said...

Happy Blog Party!

Donielle said...

Door prizes sure beat trying to lick the food off the screen anyways!
Thanks for letting me come on in! Hopefully me and my little guy didn't leave to much of a mess!

Sara said...

Nice to meet you!

Be sure to stop by and sign up for my giveaway too :)

Alexis Jacobs said...

Love the party!! Thanks for being such a great hostess. I'll be back :)

Anonymous said...

Have a great party.

dolls123 (at) gmail (dot) com

EclecticGypsy said...

I love your french beaded flowers. Did you make them? I am learning how to do french beaded flowers but I am not very proficient yet. I do make rather nice beaded jewelry. Stop by my place and party with me for a while if you get the chance. ~Brenda~

M.E. said...

Love checking out your blog!
Enter me in the fun, too!

Theresa N. said...

I loved to win it!! Who needs food..this is better. :)

Theresa N.

Anonymous said...

Having a great time at the party! I hope you are, too!

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

This is a great party! Love meeting everyone!
dansan826 at

~Denise~ said...

Your blog looks great! Happy blog party!!

Heather said...

That sounds great, count me in on your giveaway! Stopped by here from the the title to your blog!!! come on over to my place and say HI!

Pennies In My Pocket said...

Thanks for coming out of hiding and leaving a comment! hehehe ;-)

Count me in on the chance to win!! I just love giveaways!!!


janna said...

Sounds like fun! I am adding my post right now for the party.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great prize! I enjoy reading your site, but I haven't been around too much lately. I hope to get back to writing on my blog again, soon. Share some interesting Egypt and Israel stuff. :)

Thanks and I hope to join the party, too...gotta get over the jetlag, though!


Blessed said...

Beautiful blog! You have some great treasures there in your Market Monday post too!

Happy Party!

MMM said...

Just stopped by to say hello from the party. Nice to "meet" you.

Anonymous said...

Fun a door prize, I loved looking at your blog!!

Lisa said...

I LOVE the name of your blog.

Count me in.

Anonymous said...

I just stopped by to say hi!!

Anonymous said...

What a fun blog you have here! I love the name! :)

Unknown said...

Now I don't think you are such a bad have Party favors after all!:) Thanks and Happy UBP Party!!

So Many Scraps said...

here for your blog party! it's okay that you have no food! I am stuffed from all the others!
I enjoyed my stay! by the way I do live in the states so count me in!

Saph said...

Hi, wow - awesome prize!! Thanks for doing this!! =)
I've got to get my party post up!
Count me in!

Green Mommy said...

Yeah, who needs cyber food, anyway! I like your site, feel free to swing by my party if you get a chance :)

kristen said...

nice to meet you, count me in!!

SaraLynn said...

Dropping by to say hello! Happy Partying!

Anonymous said...

Well, I think a door prize trumps cyber food. :-)

Pickel said...

Well, you sure know how to throw a bloggy party!