September 12, 2007


1. Hardwood floors. Life can be messy sometimes, and accidents do happen.

2. Comfy slippers. Just because

3. A perfectly sweet banana. ( Monkey Trainer's must have duh) !

4. Laffy Taffy (banana flavor, of course) I know, I'm weird. But they make me laugh. On the back are jokes. Thus the name "LAFFY TAFFY" I am eating one right now...right at this moment. Do you want to hear the joke? Okay okay..I'll share

What do you call a cow with a twitch??????? Beef Jerky! hahahahaha

What is a parasite?????? Something you see in Paris!!!! hahahahaha

Okay that's enough...I'm cracking myself up. You should hear me...snort...snort

Now that is something...something to be thankful for...enjoying the little things in life.

Go here to see what other's are thankful for!!!

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Anonymous said...

You're cracking me up, too. Oh I'm so thankful for my comfy slippers too! Blessings...

Aimz said...

You're so right, hardboard floors are cool! Wish we had them instead of carpet, it would make life so much easier...

Anonymous said...

that's for sharing some jokes....blessings!

Denise said...

Great list, thanks for making me smile.

Anonymous said...

I truly enjoyed your list - brought a smile to me face! Thank you.

ZAM said... are making me laugh. Thanks. Laughter is truly a blessing. As with soft comfy slippers.

Mary said...

I'm so thankful for comfy slippers too...with a good cup of coffee! Thanks for sharing your joyful heart. Blessings

Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

Great, funny list! I agree with everything thing too. I love the banana flavor as well. The jokes are the reason for the laffy taffy...right?


eph2810 said...

I wish I would have hard-wood floors. Would be much better with the dogs.

I have never heard of Laffy Taffy, but sounds like a fun candy :)

Thank you so much for sharing your thankful heart with us this week.

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend.

In Light of the Truth... said...

Thanks for sharing your joy and laughter today! I'm feeling pretty sluggish this morning, and I needed that!

Annie said...

Funny & sweet list!
¸.·´¸.·*¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·’ * Annie *

Robin said...

You have a gift for lightheartedness!
I wish I had hard wood floors - I hope to someday!
Thanks for sharing your blessings.

Anonymous said...

Great list! I love seeing what others are thankful for!

Tarrah said...

I'm with ya when it comes to the Hardwoods and comfy slippers!
Have a great week!

Vicki said...

This was such a delightful post! Enjoyed my visit here.

Kat said...

I love my hard wood floors too. And I told the Beef Jerky joke to a group of 10 year olds and they won't stop

Crystal said...

Thanks for sharing such a joyful post! I snort too when I laugh...LOL!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Autumn said...

Thanks for making me laugh!

:¬) xx

Halfmoon Girl said...

Depending on what kind of slippers one wears, you can also get some good sliding action on hardwood! Great thankful post- I like to be reminded to appreciate the simple things.

Thanks for your comment- I love the idea of the Spinner of Doom! Can I steal it? How do you make a spinner?

Anonymous said...

i love laffy taffy and those cheasy jokes!
