March 20, 2008

Grow at the hands of your critics

Weather the person's motive for confronting us is good or evil we'd be wise to learn a lesson. No matter how unfair the criticism might seem to be. We should prayerfully spread it before the Lord. "Lord, please show me the truth hidden in this criticism."

One of the ways we can measure our maturity is by how we respond to confrontation.


Halfmoon Girl said...

Good thoughts here- it is so easy to become defensive and then to look for the lack in the person criticizing!

A Stone Gatherer said...

Great thought! I will have to try to remember that and except criticism with grace!

Denise said...

I love that and needed that TODAY......

blessings to you and your family this Easter........

Melissa in Mel's World said...

I tend to bark at criticism, but also know that through conflict we can grow.

I am not one who is afraid of conflict...I can embrace it and see the fruit on the other side.

I know someone who used to say every little "joke" has a nugget of truth in it, and boy was she right!