August 7, 2007


I Have to Say is hosting Back to Homeschool Week to share how do we homeschool and other fun tidbits .

Well, I would love to knock your socks off. I would love to tell how I am "MATRTHA STEWART" organized. I would love to show off all organizational skills. But, after doing this for 7 years, I have learned there is no such thing....(NOT FOR ME) .... . I have had to roll with the punch. We do (try) to keep a regular daily schedule.

I use a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

When I first started I thought I had to "DO SCHOOL".

We started out using the Abeka DVD program. While it is an outstanding program, it did not work for us. To ridged.

We currently are using the Weaver Unit Study Program for Bible, History, Science, Social Studies. We have added Saxon for Math and Language. There are also several other computer programs we use online. Ed Helper and ABC Teach are helpful online resources .

Here is my little tidbit for today.


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Beckyb said...

Couldn't be true-er words!!! BE FLEXIBLE - each child is different - how true!!

Amelia Antwiler said...

Very good words of wisdom.
You know what I've realized - that most people don't talk about being flexible to your teaching style either. I think all moms have different styles. :-)

Hope your school year gets off to a GREAT start!

Anonymous said...

With Girlie Girl off from school for 3 weeks every 2 months, I may need to check out some of those DVDs.

Amelia Antwiler said...

Thank you so much for your comment about the "how" of homeschooling. I'm still figuring things out...I know what school stuff I'm going to do -- but I'm still not sure of the "how" it's all going to go together.

It's so very nice to know that an experienced homeschool mom is still figuring things out, too.

The book by Scott Turansky is called "Say Goodbye to Whining, complaining and bad attitudes in you and your kids!" It's all about honor. It's messing with me though - as I tend to be selfish. Or at least, I think I am.

Oh - You're saved by the bell. The phone rang!!

Praise and Coffee said...

Ditto for me!
We are back to homeschooling again this year with my daughter (10th grade).
So good to connect with other homeschool moms online, thanks for the link.


Tammy said...

I hear ya...When I started I was thinking I had something to prove...partly to my husband whom, at the time, had a "wait and see" attitude about the whole home schooling thing. And partly to myself and everyone else around me...
I'm just starting to relax a bit...we still try to keep to a schedule, but if other things like appointments pop up, we just catch up when we can. Flexibility is such an important thing to have!

I'm not familiar with Weaver...I'll have to look into that!
Thanks for sharing...I posted on this subject, also!